Bacula Enterprise Edition 6.6.6

Ukazała się nowa wersja Bacula Enterprise Edition oznaczona numerem 6.6.6. Inteos oraz Bacula Systems zalecają swoim klientom upgrade do tej wersji. Poprawia ona kilka pomniejszych błędów znalezionych w poprzednich wydaniach. Aktualizacja dostępna jest dla wszystkich klientów posiadających aktualną subskrypcję oprogramowania Bacula Enterprise Edition dowolnego poziomu.

Dostęp do nowej wersji Bacula Enterprise, klienci Inteos Sp. z o.o. otrzymują po utworzeniu nowego zgłoszenia w systemie supportowym Bacula Systems.

Informacje szczegółowe:

Release Notes for Bacula Enterprise 6.6.6

Release 6.6.6 02 April 2014

Release 6.6.5 was a minor special build. These notes include the changes
since version 6.6.4. This is a minor bug fix release, though a good
number of bugs are fixed.

- Fix improper string in parser
- Remove unused directories and files
- Silence vacuumdb warnings
- Fix for select list scrolling (Mantis #313)
- Fix for too small length of config token
- Fix race condition on job termination with Director message edit codes
- Fix possible debug output seg fault
- bweb: Fix #303 by clearly explaining what a blue directive is
- Remove setting bandwidth in bat status updates
- Fix #10372 by escaping properly \n and \r in json output
- bweb: Fix #302 about Maximum Bandwidth in bytes
- bweb: update LICENSE file
- bweb: update copyright header
- Update copyright year
- Make license clearer
- bweb: Fix #270 for long titles in content bar
- bweb: Fix #296 about error when saving Messages resource
- Fix multiple DIRs in console
- Make failure for bat to connect to DIR non-fatal
- Fix bat style to one that works
- Add more VSS debug code
- Remove file
- bweb: Implement tooltips on bweb graphs
- Build bweb for suse11.2
- Build vsphere on suse11.2
- Correct bad edit of SQL RecycleCount
- bweb: Ensure to not generate bad changelog file
- Fix #275 updating sample-query.sql with new File layout
- mysql: Add tmp_dir plugin command option to specify directory where to create
dump scripts
- postgresql: Add tmp_dir plugin command line option to specify a custom
directory for scripts
- bweb: Fix small issue when selecting/unselecting job type
- bweb: Fix #10037 about improper sorting by size in Media view
- bweb: Fix Resource deletion where the resource is in a dependency array (like
- bweb: Fix various warning
- bweb: Display warning if firefox is not used, and allow to configure the
number of rows in various lists
- bweb: Fix #10009 about JobDefs edition where current parameters are marked as
required and can no longer be deleted
- bweb: Fix boolean values when applying jobdefs
- bweb: Use Storages/Autochangers in director resource menu
- bweb: Fix small issue with cancel button in jobdefs edition page
- bweb: Fix #10006 about MaximumBandwidth regex validation
- Fix compilation of win32/64
- Add more error messages for VSS + update copyright year
- Set default watchdog timeout to 200 days
- Ignore FreeBSD signal 0
- bweb: Clarify overview text
- bweb: Fix #209 about javascript rounding problem when displaying backup
- bweb: Fix #7788 about small problem in job duration display
- Up watchdog timeout from 6 days to 20 days
- bweb: Fix #9918 on changing the hidden flag in user defaults
- Implement .api v2 and use computer friendly output to status commands.
- Fix compilation on freebsd that doesn't have the ENONET errno
- Add check for libpq in bs_alert
- bweb: Hide legend if more than 10 elements to display, should fix #9778
- Fix #216/#9735 about non used user/password in MySQL plugin command string
- bweb: Add specific tests for libpq/postgresql compatibility
- Add new debug code to detect Scratch pool being emptied
- Fix #205 about bconsole "restart incomplete job=" fails with sql query
- Fix #208 by adding fromallpools and allfrompool parameters to update help
- bweb: Display Include{} before Exclude{} when generating Fileset
- bweb: Improve the message when enable_security is ON, and lighttpd is not
properly configured

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
10006 10009 10037 10372 205 208 209 216 270 275 296 302 303 313 7788
9778 9918

Release 6.6.4 08 January 2014

This is a minor bug fix:

- Ensure that the SD JobEnd and DeviceClose are always called. Fixes bug
- Correct autochanger handling of free_volume()
- Turn off forced compression in FD
- bweb: Fix #153 about error when using seconds in various fields
- More IPv6 fixes
- Update WSAStart version
- Create a Windows SAP package
- delta: require the exact librsync version
- Make sure to cancel the current job if an Options plugin is not available
- Update LICENSE to include lz4

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
153 9473

Release 6.6.3 09 December 2013

This is a minor release that mainly fix the postgresql database upgrade script

- Fix #34 about /opt/bacula/log not accessible to user bacula with rpms
- Fix #105 about Windows uninstall prompt but remove .conf files anyway
- bweb: Allow % in WriteBootstap directive
- Fix #121 about delta plugin missing in the FileSet plugin edition box
- Fix #85 about using current hostname instead of using cached value
- Fix #118 by using clientname instead of name in llist job
- Fix #88 by changing a M_ABORT message to a M_ERROR_TERM when the configuration is wrong on console and filed
- bweb: Fix #132 by adding a new BWeb restore option to display only the selected FileSet
- Use postgres user when running create/grant/make_bacula database script as root
- Modify the grant_postgresql_privileges to give the database ownership to bacula
- Add scheduled time in status director output for jobs waiting to start
- Use sellist with delete jobid command
- bweb: Fix #9267 about getting empty restore box using security_acl and user:use_acl=0
- Force nested loop in postgresql migration script to 1016
- bweb: Fix #123 by adding VirtualFull and Base level to various places

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
34 105 118 121 123 132 84 85 88 9267

Release Notes for Bacula Enterprise 6.6.2

Release 6.6.2 25 November 2013

This is a minor release that contains a bvfs fix for MySQL

- Enhance postgresql upgrade script to avoid writing WALs while loading the File table
- Ensure that we use 64bit integer to store FilenameId in bvfs

Release 6.6.1 13 November 2013

Release Notes for Bacula Enterprise 6.6.1

This is a minor release that contains fixes for Bweb and various plugins.
- Fix /dev/null problem when restoring with plugins
- Fix small segfault in status storage command
- ndmp: Make sure to update io->status with ndmp plugin
- bweb: Fix #9174 about Purge Migration Job directive
- bweb: Fix #9142 Do not try to autocomplete password fields
- bweb: Fix #9129 about problem selecting the first day of the month in schedul
- bweb: Add CommCompression option to Dir/SD/FD/Console pages
- bweb: Allow more characters in Description field
- bweb: Fix small problem when renaming Storage
- bweb: ensure that flot.time module is loaded when doing statistics
- bweb: Fix problem when pressing Cancel on setbandwidth or setdebug

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
9174 9129 9142

Release 6.6.0 30 October 2013

This is a major new release, and although the new
features list is not very long, there are some signifcant
enhancements to the version of Bacula. Over 300 files have
been changed with over 24,000 lines of differences.

New Features since version 6.4.x:

- Improved catalog database performance
- New REST API for Web GUI developers
- Communications line compression for faster transmission of data
- Comm line statistics in Job report
- Plugin restore console and GUI interface for setting restore options
- Many BWeb improvements
- Periodic statistics on running Jobs in Director status report
- Truncate command (simplification of prior purge action=trunctate)
- Automatic creation of logdir
- RedHat start scripts improved to permit tracebacks as
bacula user.
- Windows default conf file locations known by binaries
- bvfs improvements and fixes
- Resume command (alias of restart)
- Read Only drive directive
- List pluginrestoreconf
- Additional resource statistics in Director status (njobs, nclients,
nstorage, ...)
- If there are ACLs defined for Clients or Jobs, access to
status storage will be disabled for confidentiality reasons.
- Improved lock_mgr debug messages
- Add LZO compression to Solaris builds

New Catalog format in version 6.6.0 and greater

This release of Bacula uses a new catalog format. We provide a set of
scripts that permit to convert a 6.4.x and earlier versions
to the new 6.6.0 format (1016). For details, please see the
white paper "Migration-to-6.6" for detailed instructions on the
migration process. Normally, it is automatic, though this is
a big change that takes longer than usual. If you have a
database that is 300GB or larger, you might want to look
at the alternate method of upgrading that permits doing
the upgrade while jobs are running.

This database upgrade should significantly increase performance
when inserting large number of Jobs with lots of Files into
the database catalog.

The Bacula Enterprise rpm spec files have been modified to detect the
database change and do the upgrade for you. We strongly recommend
that you save a copy of your existing database before upgrading using
rpms. If you want to have more control over the Catalog upgrade step
when installing RPMs, you may want to contact the Inteos
support team to get the update_bacula_tables script and run it before
the RPM installation step.

If you start from scratch, you don't need to run the
update_bacula_tables script because the create_bacula_tables script
automatically creates the new table format. However, if you are using
a version of Bacula older than 5.0.0 (e.g. 3.0.3) then you need to
run the update_bacula_tables script that will be found in the
/src/cats directory after you run the ./configure command. As
mentioned above, before running this script, please backup your
catalog database, and when you do running it, be sure shutdown Bacula
and be aware that running the script can take some time depending on
your database size. Please see the "Migration-to-6.6" document for
more details.

Changes since version 6.4.13:
- Ensure that aligned and non-aligned Volumes cannot be mixed
- Fix bug #8106 bad JobMedia records created
- Add new options to setdebug
- Fix quote problem in bacula-dir reported by Alain
- Fix #89 about permissions on sql scripts
- bweb: Fix #8889 about Accurate/SpoolData and Messages not saved when editing
- bweb: Do not put sudo as default precmd when adding autochanger
- Fix compilation when using IP_TOS option
- Add res counts to SD status
- Fix initial problem in bug #8655 FD gets bad status from SD
- bweb: Fix #8873 about Storage Deamon Device edition
- Fix bug #39 start/stop scripts prevent traceback
- Add additional debug on too big pktsiz
- bweb: handle Clients with spaces in bweb admin part
- Check for test name in run_multiple
- Fix for logdir
- Setup logdir definition
- bweb: Fix #78 about ActionOnPurge configuration problem
- Add code to turn off comm line compression
- Final version of rest-api.spec
- bweb: Remove some www-data from bweb postinst script
- Remove attempt to create /opt/bacula/log
- Add create new cert files when installing rest-api
- Fix compilation problem in block.c
- Fix rest-api dependencies -- Alain
- bweb: Display error message about empty configuration only when about FileDaemon
- Add windows oracle plugin in Makefiles
- Fix bvfs lsfiles query with new Filename structure
- Use root:bacula for bfdjson tool on suse/redhat
- bweb: Add message when no filedaemon are in config directory
- bweb: Use quotes around parameters when exporting a Schedule resource
- Create Branch-6.6 for rest-api and use it
- Fix bug #34 log dir not created
- Rename LZO_VERSION to LIBLZO_VERSION in version.h to avoid conflict
- bweb: Use %config(noreplace) for bweb.conf and httpd.conf
- Use SnapshotId instead of SnapId in new Snapshot table
- bweb: Use "prune expired" instead of manual prune in BACULA_ADMTASK
- Add first cut of rest-api.spec file
- Add upload of rest-api source
- bweb: Fix comment field when starting a job
- bweb: Fix #59 about run Job wizard blank pool
- Add httpd-tools as bweb dependency
- bweb: Add missing quotes in httpd.conf for htpasswd
- bweb: Update extrajs to version 6.6 in control file
- Fix netapp-hfc package name and add it to the package-list
- Put failure time/date in traceback
- Clear more cached_attribute on failures. Should fix bug #8870
- bweb: Fix false error in test_config when the Client table is empty
- Fix OSX build
- Add new lgmr_add_event() function to keep a trace of the thread history
- bweb: fix copy button in schedule page
- Add status dir: reload tdata + njobs,nclients,nstores,npools -- more possible
- bweb: Raise error when a parameter is not valid after the browser check
- bweb: Check the configuration before exporting a component, allow to commit
only some items
- Update Catalog to 1016 and add Snapshot tables
- bweb: More work on bresto about new restore plugin code
- bweb: Try to guess database parameters from dbcheck during initial config
- bweb: Add alldrives snapshot option
- Add "snapshot" option to alldrives plugin to create snapshots with all
possible drives
- Empty answer is now equivalent to yes when configuring plugin for restore
- bweb: handle quotes in restore ConfigFile
- Handle compressed Restore Object in db_get_restoreobject() and in list
- Allow on/off in boolean type in ConfigFile object
- postgresql: Implement restore options
- Fix comment display and a small memory leak in ini.c
- Remove installed, but unused FD only file in spec
- Fix some plugin licenses
- Prohibit status storage if restricted console Client or Job ACL exists
- Add resume command -- same as restart
- Define correct Win SYSCONFDIR + add BS logo branding to Win installer
- Add Bacula Systems branding to Windows installers
- bweb: Handle more configuration type in plugin restore box
- ndmp: Add new restore options, allow to use a profile instead of user/pass
via ndmp.conf
- Add advanced migration script to 1016 in redhat/suse spec
- Remove the temporary file with the File table export at the end of the
- bweb: Add plugin restore options
- bweb: Add Virtual Aligned Changer assistant
- Add pluginrestoreconf to list/restore command and add restore menu
- Add db_get_restoreobject_record() and db_list_restoreobject()
- Add @putfile bconsole command
- Eliminate spurious error messages + don't wait for FD/SD on Job cancel
- bweb: Add hint about the online documentation in the help box
- Add FileTable attribute in Job table
- bweb: More work on the fileset edition page to add tooltips for each plugin
- bweb: Display X instead of Schedule name when job is not enabled
- bweb: Remove dir_ver from the bweb configuration screen
- Restore ownership in advanced migration script for Pg
- Add migration script for SQLite3
- Fix #8269 about VolWrites overflow for PostgreSQL backend
- More work on upgrade scripts
- Fix #8623 about bvfs error message when running concurrent .bvfs_update
- Handle purged jobs when deleting orphan records in migration script
- Add truncate test
- Rework new status dir display
- Replace action-on-purge-test with truncate-test
- Add new truncate-test
- Add new Truncate command
- bweb: Simplify FileSet edition box
- Turn on multiple backup of many-volumes-test
- Use lock manager for stored/lock.c functions
- Replace ASSERT_p by ASSERT2_p() in lock manager
- Add progress data to status dir
- Fix bvfs query for MySQL
- Implement ReadOnly option for SD Device resource
- Add new restore security that partially fixes bug #8451
- Improve display messages for restore
- Improve message when 2 Media Types found
- Fix virtual-changer-restore-test bug with multiple MediaTypes
- Merge Filename table to File
- Final comm compress: stats, bug fixes, performance enhancements
- Add compression ratio
- Move old msvc stuff
- Fix Windows build to handle new socket calls
- Move old Windows stuff into old-msvc directory
- Add component versions + enable comm compress by version
- Add Comm Compression conf directive for each component
- Comm line compression working, but new directives must be implemented
- First non-working cut comm compression
- Add new files
- Increase the size of the Windows stat packet and add FileAttributes
- Increase size of bopen() flags arg for additional Windows flags
- Improve regression tests for VSS AD testing
- First cut VSS AD patch
- Add '<' as valid separator for breg.

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
34 39 59 78 8269 8451 8623 8655 8870 8873